Sunday, October 9, 2011

Week 2 - "Writing is easy. It’s the thinking that is tough.” Jon Green

Reflective Journal

Hello, my Journal.
The time flies so fast! The second week of our course has already finished. So much has been done and learned! Now I will try to tell you everything in details.

When the week started I wanted to know the content and, of course, I went online.  I found out that there was so much to read. I looked through and started web searching. When I saw the number of the search sites to look through and analyze I got a bit confused. After Robert’s clear explanation the work went more smoothly.

I gave preference to INTUTE (though it was closed), iSEEK Education and Academicinfo Subject Guides, but there was one more that appealed to me. It was “Bing”. Anyone can get the info about the most important events of the week and the latest news; you can sign up for Bing Newsletter, search and even download the images and videos for free.

Writing ABCD objectives didn’t seem to be a very difficult task as I had read all the suggested materials.   However, when I started working on it I had to “lurk” and then to write my objective.  I used to have another model of writing, and this time the ABCD version had to be applied. The most challenging point was not creating the objective, but indicating cognitive (application, comprehension and  problem solving levels) and affective ones.

I must confess that ABCD model made me think more than I had expected, and at the same time it showed a better and more productive way of writing objectives so that both teachers and their students could benefit and be aware of the expectations and outcomes.

Project task: “Describe your class as it is now” didn’t cause any difficulties and was finished in no time as I gave the info about the topic that I was familiar with. The thing that I needed to improve was the class profile. I didn’t give clear description of the number of students or the teaching environment. Thanks to Robert’s comment I added necessary details so that to make the project task clearer. 

The main goal of this course is to improve students writing, reading, analyzing skills using computer technology in the classroom, and the initial stage is mainly focused on developing writing skills through interactive web. I am sure we'll achieve our goals and become better writers.

Bye. See you next week.

My students like poetry writing. Last year within the project "Write On - The World is Small" they created  many stories and poems. 


  1. Hi Elmira,

    You have given an excellent reflective summary of week 2.

    Well done!

    Roza, Maldives

  2. Dear Roza,

    Thank you for your kind words. I do believe that course gives us very much. I personally learned a lot, moreover, I am happy to belong to our great international team.

  3. Hi Elmira,

    Step-wise description of Week 2 is really the reflection of what we all learnt this week.

    Really, we'll achieve our goals together.

    Very nice!


  4. Hi Deep,

    Thank you for your warm and positive feedback.

    I feel really safe, as all the comments (both our tutors' and classmates') are very useful and constructive, they make me work harder and harder to achieve our goals.

    Good luck to all of us!

